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Leading Multicultural Support

Employment and Training

Thriving Multicultural Communities offers community members an opportunity to develop skills and gain confidence to enter the workforce. Team members Indira and Diana are the employment and training officers who manage Skilling Queenslanders for Work training programs. Clients have benefited, with hundreds securing jobs, especially in the aged care, child care and community services sectors. 

At TMC we believe our clients require foundation skills including resume writing, job application process and interview techniques to prepare them for the workforce.

Project Officer

Indira started in 2016 at TMC as a community development officer. From there the development continued into training and employment and supporting domestic violence victims.

Indira has witnessed hundreds of clients’ success stories. Her ability to hone in on their development needs including language barriers, lack of confidence and work experience in Australia has enabled her to discover opportunities to help them find a job in their desired field of interest. 

Diana is passionate about supporting people from CALD backgrounds. Diana is also supporting clients with employment and training programs including Ready for Work, Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways, Certificate III in Individual Support, Community Services, Early Childhood and Education and Care, Hospitality and Business. 

Featured Programs

  • Emergency Readiness for Migrants: Prepare for and recover from regional emergencies with essential knowledge and tools.

  • Senior Digital Literacy Workshops: Navigate the digital world confidently, with hands-on device training.

  • Entrepreneurial Mentorship: Turn business ideas into reality with guidance from experienced entrepreneurs.

  • Community DFV Dialogue: Lead the change in addressing domestic violence through open community discussions.

  • Youth Job Support Sessions: Boost your employment prospects with comprehensive job search assistance – and enjoy some pizza while you’re at it!

  • Sports for Social Engagement: Participate in our successful Harmony Cup soccer and upcoming swimming programs for a blend of fitness and social interaction.

  • Ethno-specific Organization Development: Start and manage your community group effectively with our foundational workshops.

About the Multicultural Support Initiative

This initiative reflects our commitment to fostering an inclusive, harmonious community in Queensland. Funded by the Queensland Government, it supports locally-based organizations to deliver impactful economic and social inclusion outcomes.

Our Vision and Approach

TMC’s comprehensive plan over the coming years includes launching diverse programs and activities designed to bolster social cohesion and create equal opportunities for all community members.

Join Our Programs

For a deeper engagement with our programs or for more information, use the button below to express your interest or keep an eye on our social media for the latest updates.

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Unity through diversity:
Opportunities for all.

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